Why Consider Vaping And All The Benefits Offered


There are many people who use vaping to quit smoking. There are plenty of experts who support the idea that vaping is much safer than smoking. Vaping provides a person with control of how much tobacco can be used. A person who chooses to vape will be able to select an e-liquid, and some e-liquids may not contain tobacco or a small amount of tobacco to help with a craving to smoke. A smoker has little to no control of tobacco if they want to continue to enjoy smoking.

In 2015, there have been nearly 11 million people who are experienced with vaping. In 2016, there were over 38 million people who are considered smokers. Some smokers have not realized the benefits offered by vaping. When a person smokes, normally translate to having a strong aroma of tobacco that can be smelled from almost 50 feet away. Vaping will allow a person to rid themselves of having a strong tobacco odor. There are fewer toxins associated with vaping than smoking. A person who vapes will not have to worry about being exposed to chemicals found in cigarettes such as arsenic, ammonia, benzene, and tobacco. 

Chemicals such as propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin are used in the e-liquid needed for vaping. The chemicals do not put a person who vapes at risk. A person who vapes will save more money annually than a person who chose to smoke a pack of cigarettes per day. In some states smoking a pack of cigarettes daily would cost over $3,000 annually while a person who vapes daily would be slightly over $700 annually. Vaping provides more choices of flavors than smoking. Vaping offers more benefits than smoking. The health benefits gained by vaping outweigh the risks and horrific tragedies caused by smoking throughout the old days. Vaping should draw consideration as an option instead of smoking.

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What are Some of the Benefits of Vaping Versus Smoking?


For people who are thinking about quitting smoking, the topic of vaping often comes up. In particular, are there benefits of vaping versus smoking and, if so, what are they?


While vaping is not as healthy as not smoking or using an electronic cigarette at all, it does seem to have benefits smoking cigarettes does not. Here are a few of them.


Low health risk of vaping -- While there is a huge amount of scientific information proving smoking is not only unhealthy, it can actually kill you, there is little if any information proving vaping has health risks.


Yes, there is phytotoxin in almost all e-liquids you use, but the health problems associated with cigarettes come from the toxic chemicals in the tobacco and not from the tobacco. That is why many scientists believe the health risks of vaping are far far lower than smoking.


The flavors are nice -- Unlike smoking cigarettes, which just give you an unpleasant smoke and tar taste, vaping e-liquid allows you to experience hundreds of very nice flavors.


These flavors can be anything from chocolate to strawberries, or beer to coffee, but there is an e-liquid flavor every electronic cigarette user will like somewhere on the Internet.


The cost is lower -- When you consider e-liquid is cheaper than cigarettes, it is no wonder so many people that vape say how much cheaper it is. When you also consider you can light an electronic cigarette and just inhale a couple of times, instead of smoking a whole cigarette, using an e-liquid becomes cheaper again.


Vaping is not as addictive -- If you are trying to quit smoking, then starting off with vaping instead of smoking will help.


This is primarily due to vaping, unlike smoking, not being particularly addictive.


See Direct Vapor Coupon for more related info.